Visual Variant By default, the Table of Contents is set to the card variant, but it can be changed to transparent via the variant prop. Demo
{% include '@bolt-components-toc/toc.twig' with { header: 'This is the transparent variant', items: [ { text: 'Section One', url: '#section-one', active: true, }, { text: 'Section Two', url: '#section-two', }, { text: 'Section Three', url: '#section-three', }, ], variant: 'transparent', } only %}
<bolt-toc header="This is the transparent variant" variant="transparent"> <bolt-toc-item url="#section-one" active> Section One </bolt-toc-item> <bolt-toc-item url="#section-two"> Section Two </bolt-toc-item> <bolt-toc-item url="#section-three"> Section Three </bolt-toc-item> </bolt-toc>